Sunday, December 4, 2011


The tenth dawn of Islam's new year,
Seventy-two of the bravest who had nothing to fear,
Came out to battle for our pride,
Knowing that the journey to Heaven would be their very next ride.

On the blistering sands, under the scorching sun,
Stood the mighty Hussein, a soldier second to none,
With the fragrance of musk, it had to be said,
The skies of Karbala were already turning red.

Every ally wanted the honor of being first,
To drink the honey of paradise and quench their thirst,
As each one's body fell on the sand and mud,
It was Ashura, the day the skies wept blood.

A marriage in the tent during this grieving hour,
Abdullah knew that the time was not far,
In the attire of a groom, He set out to fight,
Realizing the loss, Sakina cried throughout that night..

Abbas did not even drink a sip from the river,
But was hit by arrows from the trees' rear,
Hussein's final support ascended to the heavens,
It was now only Hussein and those inhumane devils.

But, Ali Akbar, the very valiant youngster the world has seen,
Was hit in the heart during the pinnacle of His teens,
The face of the Prophet (SA) with blood was smeared,
Hussein's tears completely drenched His beard.

Asgar, the courageous six month old prince,
Fought for Islam's pride without hesitance,
Until that heartless satan let his arrow fly,
Young Ali Asgar's blood was taken by the sky.

Hussein ibn Ali, the Noble Son, and The Greatest Martyr,
Stood ready to fight with absolutely no fear,
Until a teary eyed Jibrael descended from the Heavens,
Allah's wish is Your sacrifice Oh Highborn Eminence.

Hussein happily welcomed Allah's Missive,
Bowed down to Sajdah for the future billions,
Zainab, cried aloud at the sight of Her mind's eye,
Upon witnessing Her imperial brother peacefully die.

Princess Sakina with Her cheeks so blue,
From all the slapping that mad man put Her through,
Those hellion's horses were allowed to run,
And on the Holy Bodies, further damage was done.

Tears roll down my cheeks as I pen these verses,
Remembering the pain of Hussein and His masses,
But if it wasn't for Hussein we wouldn't be where we are,
We wouldn't be Mumins, our faith would be sour.

Maula Mohammad (TUS), you're the Dai of Hussein,
My guidance, my leader, and my chieftain,
May you live for years, till the Day of Judgment,
I am your slave, that's my life's biggest achievement.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

That Night..!!

The week after Halloween, the partying and trick or treating had come to an end but the spookiness was still floating around.. And to add to it, I watched a short horror film just before going to bed. - If you really, want to get freaked out, then go ahead and try it..!!

Over?? If most have you have watched the creepy video above, you will definitely relate to what was going on in my mind that night.. So after doing some more surfing around on facebook, (Yes, I don't learn my lesson early, and you can say that I had been warned..!!) I decided to call it a night..

I was sleeping comfortably for about 2 hours when suddenly I heard a noise outside my main door.. (The paper thin walls in LA..!! SIGH!!! ) My subconscious still had the creepy stalker following me.. and I felt that somebody was trying to open the door and get in. I finally mustered some courage and went and checked the door.. Gleeful, that it was nothing but my stupid imagination, I came back to bed and went to sleep. About an hour later, I started hearing noises again, only this time, it was coming from my balcony. I tried to distract myself from that noise and went back to sleep. But periodically there were some sounds that kept waking me up..

Proven wrong the last time, I kept telling myself.. that it is nothing but a mere delusion.. I tried putting myself to sleep but the intermittent clamor and clatter just wouldn't let me..! And then all of a sudden, I saw something move through the blinds.. I was scared to death this time, I knew this couldn't be a hallucination. There was someone out there..!! And I was alone at home, unarmed..!! I panicked and freaked, and thought of the most sensible action to keep myself safe.

And when my brain, along with the rest of my body had frozen, I couldnt think of anything other than calling a friend, who was hundreds of miles away and asking for instructions. Luckily for me at 3.15 AM, my friend answered that phone call and instructed me to call 911 and stay in bed. He instructed me to stay calm and not make any movements that would hint the person outside that I am awake. And so I did.. Until... the Air Conditioner suddenly stopped working. Now the Sherlock Holmes in me led me to find a relation between the AC duct in the balcony and the so-called person in the balcony. Another act of foolishness was to grab hold of the AC remote, and find out if the stalker/robber/imaginary guy outside had played around with the AC. So I restarted it.. :( (Another proof, of not learning lessons at once).

Oh and between all this craziness, I did make a call to 911 and they assured me that officers will be over asap. So, after I spoke to 911, I called my friend again as I thought, it would be good to have a witness on phone in case something were to happen to me.. All this while, I kept hearing the crackling sounds at regular intervals...

Counting each second that was passing by till the officers were to come rescue me, I was on the verge of s**ting bricks..!! And then suddenly I saw torch lights on my windows and a loud knock on the door... I jumped out of my bed, looking for a knife and asked with a completely fake yet confident noise... WHO's IT? And the officers were here...!!!!! Yes, finally at 4 AM, I had 4 men in uniform walk into my apartment and run into the balcony to find that BLOODY #$#^#^%$#$ cardboard boxes and empty bottles... Yes, Ironic as it may sound, it was the Santa Ana winds.. Yes... it wasnt the best end to my super suspense filled night.. I chickened out to the relentless winds... It was empty boxes and other trash from a party at my place, that had been left out... And the crazy winds, got the worse out of me... Relieved, yet embarrased, I escorted the cops out of my house.. and hoped to get some sleep...

And that was the end of my foolishness for that night.. :(